In the event of faulty function
Coffee does not fl ow.
Coffee fl ows too quickly.
Pump makes loud noise.
Water leaking excessively from
fi lter holder.
Espresso has little creamy froth.
Espresso is too cold.
Not enough milk froth.
Alarms - When the button being used fl ashes:
Empty tank
No water
Pump noise
Too fi ne grinding
Dirty fi lter
Too pressed coffee
Check to ensure against the following:
Water is in tank.
Filter basket clogged because coffee is too fi ne or compressed too fi rmly.
Shower disc requires cleaning.
Coffee is ground too coarsely.
Coffee is not pressed down with tamper.
No water in tank.
Pump not primed.
Coffee is ground too coarsely.
Filter holder not properly inserted in brew head.
Gasket in brewing head dirty or worn.
Coffee grinds not cleaned off the rim of fi lter holder.
Coffee is ground too coarsely.
Coffee is not pressed down with tamper.
Coffee is too old or dried out.
Machine is not warmed up
Coffee is ground too coarsely.
Coffee has been brewed in cold cups. It is recommended to always brew coffee in
warm cups.
Steam nozzle and/or air intake hole clogged.
Milk is too hot.
Fill tank and repeat boiler fi lling procedures.
Modify grinding
Clean shower (16)
Avoid press coffee excessively
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