Remove Underbody Panel – ( If installed) Remove (10) screws (with
5.5mm socket) and (2) plastic nuts (with 10mm socket).
Remove Fasteners– Remove the (2) vertical 10mm bolts(with 15mm socket),
each side (4 bolts total). Note: If extra clearance is needed disconnect the
electrical wire from the driver side frame rail. (Remove by pulling down on the
attachment housing)
©2018 Horizon Global™ Corp. - Printed in Mexico
Lower Exhaust– Using exhaust removal pliers and some lubrication remove the
rubber isolator from the hanger. Note: The 1.0L turbo will have 1 hanger on the
passenger side and the 2.0L will have a hanger on each side. Note: The passenger
side isolator is best to be removed from the top hanger and on the driver side the
isolator is best to be removed from the bottom hanger.
Raise Hitch- Raise the hitch over the passenger side hanger first, then raise
the hitch over the driver side hanger, and slide into place.
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Rev. A