an arrow on the Monitor Pipe Section. Make sure that the Monitor dial, if applicable, is
clearly visible and easily accessed for after service. If you are using the separate/remote
execution i.e. Pipe Section and Control Unit installed in different locations, please check
the supplied plastic hoses for any damages or holes. The hoses should not be used in
temperatures over 90°C/16 bar (194°F/232 PSI). If your application temperature exceeds
this temperature/pressure, we recommend using copper or stainless steel tubing,
depending on the measured gas or liquid.
# 2. Installation of the Flow Monitor/Meter
It's very important that the Pipe Section is mounted with the correct direction. The piping
shall be rigid and free from vibrations and rubber/plastic hoses connected directly into
the Monitors should be avoided as much as possible. If needed, support the Monitor with
rigid brackets. The straight runs before and after the Monitor should not be to short or
disturbed by bends, valves etc. We recommend giving at least 10 -15 straight diameters
upstream and 5 diameters downstream. The flanged models, FA- and FSS-versions
must be aligned with the counter flange and not placed in stress by tightening the bolts
uneven. Also check that the gasket is not disturbing the flow. The threaded Pipe Sections
shall have the same inner diameter/thread as the connecting pipe.
# 3. Adjustment of switch point
If the customer has not specified a switch point for the flow alarm, the V- and S-series
Monitor's micro switch is factory preset to a default value of; V-series = 50% of the max
value and for S-series the two alarms are set to min and max flow of the scale. The D-
series has two relays set at min- and max value on the display.
Please note!! We have calibrated each and every Indicating unit of the Flow Monitor in
our flow rig and set the switch according to the Flow values we achieve in the rig under
good conditions. There is a possibility to adjust the switch/alarm point in the field. To
readjust, remove the top cover (S-series)/ front cover (V-series) and the adjusting dial is
then visible. The adjusting dial are marked the same as the scale in the front (S-series)
and measuring range (V-series) and this marking can be used to approximately find the
right switch/alarm point for the actual application. Put a screwdriver (V) / tool inside the
top cover (S), in the slot of the adjusting dial and gently turn the dial to the desired posi-
tion. For D-series take away the cover and change the setting with the display buttons
under: Menue/Set up/Alarm.
# 4. Installation and/or changing of the indicating unit
The indicating unit is calibrated and tested before delivery so it can easily be mounted
on the existing pipe section. As an option, when ordering a new monitor/meter, we have
a Manifold with shut-off valves. This enables you to shut off the pressure up to the Indica-
ting Unit and you can easily remove this and replace with the new one without emptying
the system. If this manifold is not installed the system must be empty and unpressurized.
Remove the screws that hold the Indicating Unit to the Pipe Section and replace with a
new or serviced unit. Do not forget to open the shut-off valves afterwards, if used.
# 5. Change of flow direction
Note! For GSS and FSS models the system has to be empty and un-pressurized. For
-FSS and -GSS models, the flow direction selector is an integrated part of the Pipe Sec-
tion so it is necessary to replace the whole Pipe Section to change flow direction.
For GL- and FA- models, first empty the pipe system so it is un-pressurized and has no
flow! For GL- and FA-models, use the shut-off valves (if installed), see above # 4. The