Printouts that Can Be Made with This System
The system can print 22 types of printouts and two types
of guide print. When the UPC-X46 series is used, all
types of printouts are available, while with the UPC-X34
series, the types that can be printed are limited.
The figures below show the number of images on a
single sheet of print paper, and the directions and types
When the UPC-X46 series is used
1. 151 × 101.6 mm X46
(Size number)
8. 54 × 54 mm 2×2inch
17. 80 × 60 mm D2 X46
21. Special-1
(108 × 81 mm/
47 × 37 mm)
System Overview
of images. They do not show the exact sizes to be
printed. Below each image, the size number and size is
shown. D2, D4, D6, and D8 indicate that there are
different types of printouts for the same size, and X46
shows that the size is available only when the UPC-X46
series is used.
2. 120 × 90 mm X46
3. 95 × 70 mm
10. 47 × 37 mm
12. 45 × 45 mm
18. 60 × 40 mm D4 X46
22. Special-2
(47 × 37 mm/
43 × 33 mm)
4. 80 × 60 mm
5. 70 × 53 mm
6. 70 × 50 mm
11. 45 × 35 mm
13. 43 × 33 mm
14. 38 × 32 mm
19. 47 × 37 mm D6 X46
7. 60 × 40 mm
9. 50 × 48.5 mm
15. 34 × 28 mm
16. 23 × 23 mm
20. 45 × 35 mm D8