Service - Harman Crown Macro-Tech i Serie Manual De Operación

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MA-i Series Power Amplifiers

7 Service

7 Service
Les amplificateurs Crown sont des unités de qualité qui
On this page are French, german, and Spanish
nécessitent rarement des réparations. Avant de retourner
service information. On the next page is English
votre unité pour réparation, veuillez contacter le support
(U.S.A.) service information.
technique Crown pour vérifier le réel besoin de réparation.
*La garantie n'est valide qu'à l'intérieur des États-Unis
d'Amérique. Pour des informations sur la garantie hors U.S.A,
contactez votre distributeur local.
L'unité a un circuit très sophistiqué qui ne doit être réparé
que par un technicien parfaitement formé. C'est la raison
pour laquelle chaque unité porte l'étiquette suivante.
ATTENTION: Pour prévenir des chocs électriques,ne retirez
pas les capots. Aucune partie réparable par l'utilisateur à
l'intérieur. Confiez toute réparation à un technicien qualifié.
Une réparation peut être faite par un centre de maintenance
agréé (contactez votre représentant Crown/Amcron local
ou notre bureau pour obtenir une liste des centres de
maintenance agréés. Pour obtenir une réparation, présentez
simplement à un service de maintenance agréé la facture
d'achat comme preuve d'achat avec l'unité défectueuse.
Il traitera les tâches administratives nécessaires et la
N'oubliez pas de transporter votre unité dans son
emballage d'usine d'origine.
page 40
All manuals and user guides at
Amplificateurs de puissance
Amplificadores de potencia
7 Service
7 Service
Crown Endstufen sind hochwertige geräte, die selten gewar-
Los amplificadores Crown son unidades de calidad que
tet werden müssen. Vergewissern Sie sich, ob eine Wartung
esporádicamente requieren de algún Servicio. Antes de
nötig ist, bevor Sie Ihr gerät einschicken.
decidir enviar su equipo a Servicio, le recomendamos
verificar con su distribuidor local la necesidad del mismo.
*Die Gewährleistung gilt nur innerhalb der Vereinigten Staaten von
De igual forma, solicite al Centro de Servicio la autor-
Amerika. Für weitere Informationen zur Garantie außerhalb der USA
ización de envío del equipo, en caso de ser requerida.
kontaktieren Sie bitte Ihren örtlichen Händler.
*La Garantía solo tiene validez dentro de los Estados Unidos de
Dieses gerät besitzt eine technisch ausgereifte Schaltung,
América. Para obtener información sobre la Garantía fuera de
die nur von einem qualifiziereten Techniker gewartet werden
los EE. UU., comuníquese con el distribuidor de su zona.
sollte. Aus diesem grund trägt jedes gerät das Etikett:
Esta unidad contiene circuitos muy sofisticados que
deberán ser inspeccionados y reparados únicamente por
VORSICHT: Öffnen Sie nie das gehäuse, um elektrische
personal técnico especializado y autorizado para tales
Schläge zu vermeiden. Lassen Sie Wartungsarbeiten aus-
schließlich von einem qualifizierten Techniker ausführen.
PRECAUCION: Para prevenir el riesgo de choque eléctrico,
Füllen Sie das Formular auf der Rückseite dieser Bedien-
no abra el equipo. No existen partes destinadas al servicio
ungsanleitung aus, wenn Sie ein Crown-Produkt an Ihren
del usuario dentro de la unidad. Remita el Servicio al
Vertrieb oder eine authorisierte Fachwerkstatt einsenden.
personal técnico calificado.
Legen Sie das Formular dem Produkt bei oder schicken
Sie es in einem Plastik-Lieferscheinumschlag mit, der fest
Usted puede obtener Servicio de un Centro de Servicio
am Versandkarton aufgeklebt ist. Senden Sie das Formular
Autorizado. (Contacte al representante o distribuidor local
keinesfalls separat ein.
de Crown). Para obtener Servicio, simplemente lleve o en-
víe el equipo al Centro de Servicio Autorizado, y presente
Internationaler Service
la nota de venta como prueba de su compra.
Lassen Sie Wartungsarbeiten von einer authorisierten
Fachwerkstatt ausführen. (Fragen Sie Ihren zuständigen
El Centro de Servicio se hará cargo de la reparación y la
Crown/Amcron-Vertrieb nach einer Adressenliste authorisi-
documentación correspondiente.
erter Werkstätten.) Legen Sie mit dem defekten gerät Ihre
Originalrechnung als Kaufbeleg vor, und die Fachwerkstatt
Recuerde enviar su equipo en su empaque de fábrica
erledigt das Übrige.
Denken Sie daran, Ihr gerät in der Originalverpackung zu
Operation Manual
Mode d'emploi
MA-i Series Power Amplifiers
7 Service
Crown amplifiers are quality units that rarely
require servicing. Before returning your unit for
servicing, please contact Crown Technical Sup-
port to verify the need for servicing.
*Warranty is only valid within the United
States of America. For information on War-
ranty outside of the U.S.A, please contact
your local distributor.
This unit has very sophisticated circuitry which
should only be serviced by a fully trained techni-
cian. This is one reason why each unit bears the
following label:
CAUTION: To prevent electric shock, do
not remove covers. No user serviceable
parts inside. Refer servicing to a quali-
fied technician.
Complete the Crown Audio Factory Service
Information form, in the back of this manual,
when returning a Crown product to the factory
or authorized service center. The form must be
included with your product inside the box or in
a packing slip envelope securely attached to the
outside of the shipping carton. Do not send this
form separately.
Worldwide Service
Service may be obtained from an authorized ser-
vice center. (Contact your local Crown/Amcron
representative or our office for a list of authorized
service centers.) To obtain service, simply pres-
ent the bill of sale as proof of purchase along
with the defective unit to an authorized service
center. They will handle the necessary paperwork
and repair.
Remember to transport your unit in the original
factory pack.
US and Canada Service
Service may be obtained in one of two ways:
from an authorized service center or from the
factory. You may choose either. It is important
that you have your copy of the bill of sale as your
proof of purchase.
Manual de Operación
Operation Manual
Amplificateurs de puissance
Amplificadores de potencia
Service at a US or Canada Service
2. See packing instructions that follow.
3. Ship product to:
This method usually saves the most time and effort.
Simply present your bill of sale along with the defec-
tive unit to an authorized service center to obtain
service. They will handle the necessary paperwork
and repair. Remember to transport the unit in the
4. Use a bold black marker and write the SRA
original factory pack. A list of authorized service
number on three sides of the box.
centers in your area can be obtained from Crown
5. Record the SRA number for future reference.
Factory Service, or online from
The SRA number can be used to check the repair
Factory Service
Packing Instructions
Crown accepts no responsibility for non-serviceable
Important: These instructions must be followed. If
product that is sent to us for factory repair. It is the
they are not followed, Crown Audio, Inc. assumes
owner' s responsibility to ensure that their product is
no responsibility for damaged goods and/or
serviceable prior to sending it to the factory. Service-
accessories that are sent with your unit.
able product list is available at
1. Fill out and include the Crown Audio Factory
Service Information sheet in the back of this
For more information, please contact us direct.
2. Do not ship any accessories (manuals, cords,
A Service Return Authorization (SRA) is required
hardware, etc.) with your unit. These items are not
for product being sent to the factory for repair. An
needed to service your product. We will not be
SRA can be completed online at www.crownaudio.
responsible for these items.
com/support/factserv.htm. If you do not have access
to the web, please call Crown' s Customer Service at
3. When shipping your Crown product, it is
574.294.8200 or 800.342.6939 extension 8205 in
important that it has adequate protection. We
North America, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
recommend you use the original pack material
when returning the product for repair (Figure 9.1).
If you do not have the original box, please call
For warranty service, we will pay for ground shipping
Crown at 800.342.6939 or 574.294.8210 and
both ways in the United States. Contact Crown Cus-
order new pack material. (Do not ship your unit in
tomer Service to obtain prepaid shipping labels prior
a wood or metal cabinet.)
to sending the unit. Or, if you prefer, you may prepay
4. If you provide your own shipping pack, the
the cost of shipping, and Crown will reimburse you.
minimum recommended requirements for materi-
Send copies of the shipping receipts to Crown to
als are as follows:
receive reimbursement.
a. 275 P.S.I. burst test, Double-Wall carton
Your repaired unit will be returned via UPS ground.
that allows for 2-inch solid Styrofoam on all
Please contact us if other arrangements are required.
six sides of unit or 3 inches of plastic bubble
Factory Service Shipping Instruc-
wrap on all six sides of unit.
b. Securely seal the package with an adequate
1. Service Return Authorization (SRA) is required for
carton sealing tape.
product being sent to the factory for service. Please
complete the SRA by going to www.crownaudio.
c. Do not use light boxes or "peanuts".
com/support/factserv.htm. If you do not have access
Damage caused by poor packaging will not be
to our website, call 1.800.342.6939, extension 8205
covered under warranty.
and we'll create the SRA for you.
Enclose the completed Crown Audio Factory
Mode d'emploi
Manual de Operación
Service Information form (or securely attach it to the outside
of carton) and re-seal the shipping pack with a sturdy carton
sealing tape.
Estimate Approval
Approval of estimate must be given within 30 days after
being notified by Crown Audio Inc. Units still in the posses-
sion of Crown after 30 days of the estimate will become the
property of Crown Audio Inc.
Payment of Non-Warranty Repairs
Payment on out-of-warranty repairs must be received within
30 days of the repair date. Units unclaimed after 30 days
become the property of Crown Audio Inc.
If you have any questions, please contact Crown Factory
Crown Factory Service
1718 W. Mishawaka Rd.,
Elkhart, Indiana 46517 U.S.A.
800.342.6939 (North America, Puerto Rico, and Virgin
Islands only)
574.294.8301 (Technical Support)
574.294.8124 (Factory Service)
Web site:
page 41


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