The serial number may look similar to this sample: AG12345.
The second letter of this serial number refers to the year of manufacture
of the hearing instrument. The letters D, E, and F indicate 2013 year
of manufacture, while G and H indicate 2014. Your Audiologist or
Hearing Care Provider can answer any questions you may have about the
identifying code on your hearing instrument.
Changing the battery
Refer to the feature card or check with your Audiologist or Hearing Care
Provider to determine the battery size for your hearing instrument.
Before using your hearing instrument, place the battery into the battery
compartment door. Using the fingernail of either your thumb or index
finger, pull the tab on the battery compartment door outward until the
door swings open all the way (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2: Opening the battery compartment
Place the proper size battery into the battery compartment door,
observing the correct polarity. The "+" sign on the battery must match the
"+" sign stamped on the top of the battery compartment door (Fig. 3).
(2nd Digit)
Y, A
B, C
D, E, F
G, H
Fig. 1G: Identification information
"+" Sign
compartment door