Piez.: Katlakmens nosēdumus likvidējiet regulāri, apmēram reizi nedēļā. Likvidēšanas biežums ir atkarīgs no
ūdens cietības un ierīces lietošanas biežuma. Nosēdumi būtiski samazina ierīces siltumspēju un tās darba
Nopietni remontdarbi vai remontdarbi, kuriem ir nepieciešama iejaukšanās ierīces detaļās, jāveic specializētā
apkalpes servisā.
• Iesakām nodot iesaiņojuma materiālus un vecās ierīces otrreizējai pārstrādei.
• Ierīces kasti var nodot šķirojamos atkritumos.
• Polietilēna (PE) maisiņus nododiet otrreizējai pārstrādei.
Ierīces nodošana otrreizējai pārstrādei pēc tās kalpošanas laika beigām
Simbols uz ierīces vai tās iepakojuma norāda, ka izstrādājums nav paredzēts nodošanai māj-
saimniecības atkritumos. Ir svarīgi to nogādāt otrreiz pārstrādājamo elektrisko un elektronisko
ierīču savākšanas punktā. Nodrošinot pareizu izstrādājuma iznīcināšanu, palīdzēsiet novērst
negatīvo ietekmi uz apkārtējo vidi un cilvēku veselību, ko var izraisīt nepareiza šā izstrādā-
juma iznīcināšana. Papildu informāciju par izstrādājuma otrreizējo apstrādi meklējiet vietējā
pašvaldībā, pie mājsaimniecības atkritumu iznīcināšanas pakalpojumu sniedzēja vai veikalā,
kur iegādājāties izstrādājumu.
Šis produkts atbilst visām ES regulām un prasībām.
Mēs paturām tiesības izmainīt tekstu, dizainu un tehnisko specifikāciju bez iepriekšēja brīdinājuma.
Thank you for purchasing a Concept product. We hope you will be satisfied with our product throughout its
service life.
Please read the whole instruction manual carefully before you use the appliance for the first time; after read-
ing, store and keep the instruction manual in a safe and handy place. Make sure that all other people using
the appliance are familiar with the instruction manual.
Technical parameters
• Do not use this appliance in a different manner than described in this manual.
• Remove all packaging and marketing materials from the appliance before you use it for the first time.
• Make sure that the connecting voltage corresponds to the values on the appliance type label. Use ground-
ed wall outlets with a guard pin only.
• The unit reaches high temperatures during operation and remains hot for some time after being turned
off. Do not touch the hot surfaces. Use only the handle and buttons, as there is a risk of being burned.
• Do not clean, store or cover the appliance with items until it is completely cold.
• Do not leave the appliance unattended when turned on, or plugged into the electrical socket.
• Never carry the appliance during operation or while hot. Do not carry the appliance by the power cord.
• Prior to plugging in or unplugging the appliance from the wall outlet, make sure the switch is OFF.
• Never pull the supply cable when disconnecting the appliance from the electrical socket; pull the plug instead.
• Do not allow children or irresponsible people to handle the appliance. Use the appliance out of the reach
of these people.
• Handicapped people, people with impaired sensation, mental capabilities, or people not familiar with the
appliance operation are only allowed to use it when supervised by responsible knowledgeable people.
• Be especially careful when there are children near the appliance.
• Do not allow the appliance to be used as a toy.
• Prior to cleaning and after using the appliance, turn it off, disconnect it from the electrical socket,
and let it cool.
• Do not let the power cord hang loosely over the edge of a table. Make sure the power cord does not touch
hot surfaces.
• The appliance may only be installed on a stable surface resistant to high temperature, away from other
heat sources, such as radiators, ovens, etc. Protect it against direct sunlight and humidity.
• Pour water into the kettle before connecting it to the wall outlet.
• Do not replenish water when the appliance is on its base!
• Prior to filling the appliance with water, make sure its bottom is dry. Wipe off any remaining droplets from
the bottom prior to putting the appliance on its base!
• The kettle may only be used for heating water up to the maximum indicated level. If the water exceeds
the recommended maximum level, hot water may splash out. SCALDING HAZARD!
• Prior to switching the appliance on, make sure the lid is closed properly. To avoid scalding, do not open the
lid during heating.
• We do not recommend using the kettle for heating liquids other than water.
RK 00 15
RK 00 15
220–240 V ~ 50/60 Hz
1000 W
1,2 l