Error messages
E0 System error. (Contact service)
E1 Zero range is higher than 10% of maximum capacity while
switching on the scale. (example: Scale is loaded while turning on,
problem with plugging in, load cell is damaged)
E2 Zero range is lower than 10% of maximum capacity while
switching on the scale. (example: Scale is incorrect sets up, load receptor
is not loaded, problem with turning on, load cell is damaged)
E4 Zero value is not stable while switching on the scale. (example:
environment influence, problem with turning on, load cell is damaged)
oF Measuring signal out of range (eg overload, wrong connection,
faulty load cell)
Overload (e.g .: Too much load on the scale)
Insufficient preload (e.g.: The preload is smaller than -1/6 of Max capacity)