All work on the chiller may only be carried out by specialist personnel!
Follow this procedure if you need to shut down the chiller:
- Stop the chiller and permanently isolate it from the electricity mains.
- Disconnect the power cable.
- Open the bypass valves (if present) for the liquid circuit and isolate the chiller from the circuit by clos-
ing the stop valves for the feed and return lines at the inlet and outlet as necessary.
- Disconnect the chiller from the cooling medium lines.
- Empty the tank and the internal cooling medium circuits.
- If the chiller has to be dispatched, use the original or similar packaging and keep the chiller in an up-
right position.
Before carrying out any work on the electrical parts, make sure that the main switch interrupts
the electricity supply to the chiller and then affix appropriate warning signs to avoid the ma-
chine being reconnected to the electricity mains!
Please consult the contents and the safety instructions in the relevant sections of these instruc-
tions for details of the correct handling and storage of the chiller.
Remove the residual cooling medium from the chiller in a manner appropriate to its properties and in ac-
cordance with the legislation in force.
If the chiller has to be disposed of:
Never open the sealed cooling assembly (compressor, evaporator and condenser) if there may
be any refrigerant or lubricating oil present!
Send the chiller to an approved waste disposal company in accordance with current environmental pro-
tection legislation.
The other materials/waste constituents must be treated in line with the provisions of the valid legislation.
All service and maintenance operations may only be carried out by specialized personnel!
If you have to take off or dismantle any components or assemblies, remove them and handle them with
suitable tools.
A number of possible problems are listed in the following table, together with notes on the causes and
recommendations on which remedial measures can be carried out.
Some of these operations are classified as extraordinary maintenance work and may require access to
internal parts of the chiller and the removal of some parts.
The table in Section 10.3 of these instructions shows which components weigh more than 20 kg.
You will find further information on safety precautions in the general warnings at the start of these in-
structions. Please note the following warnings in particular:
Do not remove (even only partially) the protective panels of the chiller unless it is necessary!
If the protective panels still have to be removed, disconnect the chiller from its energy sources (electrici-
ty and water), and affix a sign stating "Maintenance work on chiller in progress" on the operating panel.
Replace the protective panels afterwards as quickly as possible.
Wait at least 15 minutes before removing the protective panels so that the chiller can cool
down. Certain internal components have a very high and dangerous operating temperature!
Never open the sealed cooling assembly (compressor, evaporator and condenser) if there may
be any refrigerant or lubricating oil present!
Never carry out any welding or soldering on the cooling system when it contains refrigerant in order to
avoid the risk of generating toxic substances.