4. Preventing premature failure of your Booster batteries
Correctly recharging the Booster batteries increase its efficiency and its lifetime!
4.1. Recharging
1. The Booster must be put on continuous charge between uses.
□ Below 12,4V, the Booster batteries will start to sulphate and irreversibly
loses performance. The lower the voltage, and the longer the time spent in a
discharged state, the deeper the sulphation. When not in use, the Booster
batteries must never drop below 12,4V (well-charged = 13V).
2. Never recharge the Booster on a non-automatic garage charger or on an automatic charger
set on « fast charge » or « boost » position.
□ You risk overcharging the Booster and higher than 14,7V, hydrogen may
form inside of the batteries, resulting in explosion risk.
3. Never recharge the Booster via the cigarette lighter plug of the Booster, the recharging plug
(Neutrik®) is situated on the rear of the Booster.
□ The Neutrik® plug is a 4 pole plug, provided to recharge the 2 batteries at
the same time. The cigarette lighter plug (outlet 12V) is only connected to one
battery and is just provided for the connection of a portable lamp 12V
(maximum 16A) or all others accessory 12V.
4. Never completely discharge the Booster batteries.
□ The batteries do not have a memory effect.
5. During the charge, the clamps MUST never touch a metallic surface.
□ You may melt one or several poles in the charging plug.
4.2. Starting
1. Important: on vehicles difficult to start, crank the engine for a maximum 10 seconds and wait
for 3 minutes between further attempts to restart the vehicle.
□Three reasons for this method:
a. to allow the voltage of the Booster batteries to build up again.
b. to allow the renewal of gasses inside the batteries.
c. to allow the internal components of the batteries to cool down.
□ If you do not wait and/or the starting attempt is too long, you risk losing
power, you reduce your starting possibilities by the second attempt and you
risk melting the fuse inside.
2. Never connect the Booster to a battery or starter which is in short-circuit.
3. Never place the Booster in short-circuit, for example :
A. By connecting the red clamp (+) to the negative terminal of the battery and
the blue clamp (-) to the vehicles earth.
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