On receiving the machine check that the outside of the package is intact and report any kind of damage to a
person in charge. In fact any kind of damage in the packing should give rise to doubts about the condition
of its contents.
Remove the packing and visually check that the machine is in perfect condition. Make sure that all the standard
fittings are present otherwise notify the manufacturer at once about any missing parts.
The packing should either be kept to simplify handling the system or disposed of by fully and duly complying
with the prevailing environment-protection standards.
Fig. 2
Install the machine in a position that meets the following specifications:
Inside a sheltered environment – the welder must not be used outdoors.
Room temperature from -10 to 40 °C and altitude not above 1000 m.
In a well-ventilated area where there is no dust, steam, acid or explosive fumes.
• The work place should be devoid of inflammable or explosive materials since the process generates an arc which
could project weld metal particles.
Leave enough room around the welder to run the work process conveniently and without any risks
The room should be properly lit according to the job to be carried out.
• Choose the best position to install the machine to ensure good ventilation: the cooling air must be free to flow in
and out and protect the generator against dust, water, metallic particles, file dust, etc.
A suitable suction system must be installed if the user intends using the machine for welds that generate fumes.