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Chauvin Arnoux HANDSCOPE CA 922 Manual De Instrucciones página 88


with :
The TRAC:LIM <abscissa1>,<abscissa2>,<step> command sets the left and right limits and the step
of the data to be transferred.
<abscissa1>,<abscissa2>,<step> are parameters using format NR1.
Their default value is 0, 2499 and 1.
To the question TRAC:LIM?, the device returns the left and right limits and the step of the data to be
To the question TRAC? <INT{1|2|3|4}>, the device transfers the selected trace to the computer.
Response format:
<block> is a data block, the format of which is set by the FORMat:DINTerchange and FORMat[:DATA]
It contains the value of the 2500 samples encoded on 4 bytes, as follows (bit 31 = MSB):
The validity byte contains 3 data bits:
I :
Invalidity, the sample is invalid if equal to 1
A :
Age, used in slow mode, this sample is validated
E :
Extrapolated, the sample is the result of an extrapolation if equal to 1.
The FORM:DINT <1|0|ON|OFF> command activates or inhibits the trace transfer in DIF format.
ON|1 activates the trace transfer in DIF format.
OFF|0 the trace transfer data is raw.
To the question FORM:DINT?, the device returns the activation status of the DIF format.
Response format:
(VERsion <year.version>)
SCALe <sample interval>
SIZE <sample no>
U N ITs "S") DIMension=Y
SCALe <ADC step> SIZE 262144
OFFSet 393216
U N ITs "V")
DATA(CURVe (<data block>)))<NL>
<year.version> is a number in <NR2> format giving the year of the SCPI standard used and the software
# : 1999.1 means that SCPI version 1999 is used. This is the first software version of the remote control
management program.
<sample interval > is a number in <NR3> format.
It represents the time difference between two samples.
<sample no> is a number in <NR1> format.
It represents the number of samples to be transferred.
It can vary from 1 to 2500.
<ADC step> is a number in <NR3> format.
It represents the difference in volt between two consecutive values of the analogue digital converter.
<data block> is a block containing the samples. This data comprises only the values resulting from the
analogue digital converter. This block is in the format specified by the FORMat[:DATA] command.
DIF format:



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