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Configuration; Utilities - Chauvin Arnoux HANDSCOPE CA 922 Manual De Instrucciones




MMEMory:STORe:STATe (Command)


The FORM <INTeger|ASCii|HEXadecimal|BINary> command selects the data format of the trace
INTeger: The data transmitted consists in whole numbers, unsigned with a length of 32 bits,
preceded by the heading #an. n represents the number of data items to transmit.
a gives the number of figures making up n.
# The transmission for 4 data items (74, 70, 71, 76) is #14JFGL
ASCii: The data is transferred using ASCII characters according to <NR1> numbering from 0 to
255. Each number is separated by a comma.
# The transmission for 4 data items (74, 70, 71, 76) is 74,70,71,76
HEXadecimal: The data is transferred using ASCII characters according to a numbering in base
16 on 8 bits. Each number is preceded by #H and separated by a comma.
# The transmission for 4 data items (74, 70, 71, 76) is #H4A,#H46,#H47,#H4C
BINary: The data is transferred using ASCII characters according to a numbering in base 2 on 8
b i t s . E a c h n u m b e r i s p r e c e d e d b y # B a n d s e p a r a t e d b y a
# The transmission for 4 data items (74, 70, 71, 76) is # B1001010,#B1000110,#B1000111,# B1001100
To the question FORM?, the device returns the format selected for the trace transfer.
The MMEM:STOR:STAT command generates a ".CFG" file from the instrument configuration, in the
selected file system.
To the question MMEM:STOR:STAT? The instrument returns the configuration file name which has
been created.
Response format:
The MMEM:LOAD:STAT <"file.CFG"> command loads an instrument configuration from a ".cfg" file.
<"file"> consists in a name of 20 letters maximum, followed by a period and the CFG extension.
The SYST:SET <block> command transfers the configuration from the computer to the device.
<block> is a finite data number preceded by the heading #an with n, the data number and a, a figure
indicating the number of figures making up n.
To the question SYST:SET?, the device transfers the current configuration to the computer.
Response format:
To the question MMEM:CAT? the device returns the list of files present in the local memory.
Response format: <file number>, 0[,<file list>] <file number> is in NR1 format.
<file list> = <"file">,<type>,<size>
<"file"> consists in a name of 20 letters maximum, followed by a period and the 3-letter extension.
<size> is in NR1 format
<type> is
- STAT for a config file
- TRAC for a trace file
- ASC for a text file
- BIN for any other file
The MMEM:DEL <"file"> command deletes a file.
<"file"> consists in a name of 20 letters maximum, followed by a period and the 3-letter extension.
<file name><NL>
<block> <NL>
c o m m a .



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