36.7.3. RUN/STOP
{[1]|2] :RUN:STATe
36.7.4. AUTOSET
36.7.5. AUTOTEST
The INIT:CONT:NAME <{EDGE|PULse}>,<1|0|ON|OFF> command starts or stops the acquisition in
repetitive mode in the indicated trigger mode.
The ABOR command aborts the acquisition in progress.
If the instrument is set in the single mode, the acquisition is stopped. The instrument stays in the
starting status.
If the instrument is in continuous mode, the acquisition in progress is stopped and the following starts.
Note: if no acquisition is running, this command has no effect.
The TRIG:RUN:STAT <1|0|ON|OFF> command starts or stops the acquisition.
acquisition starts.
acquisition is stopped.
To the question TRIG:RUN:STAT?, the instrument returns the trigger status.
The AUTOS:EXE command starts an autoset on each active channel.
The self test can be started from the oscilloscope mode only, otherwise an error "-221: conflict settings"
The SYST:AUTOT command launches an autoset of the instrument.
To the question SYST:AUTOT? the instrument returns the result of the autotest in hexadecimal. The
signification of the code returned is the following : the value 1 of each bit shows that the test is OK.