Begin the procedure following standard hospital guidelines. Throughout the injec on
SAFIRA is designed to limit the infusion pressure up to a maximum of 20 psi.
Should an infusion stoppage be encountered during the procedure, it may indicate an
intraneural injec on or a blockage in the fluid path. Verify needle patency and/or
reposi on needle to allow low pressure infusion and then reset the Flashing Red
Light / Infusion Stopped on the SAFIRA Driver.
To reset the Flashing Red Light / Infusion Stopped on the SAFIRA Driver, follow
either of the two (2) steps indicated below:
a. Aspirate (Yellow area/bu on closest to the cable of the SAFIRA Operator) un l
red lights go out: or
b. Release SAFIRA Syringe (see Diagram #20) and re-click into place
Now the procedure can be con nued.
When the procedure is complete, follow standard hospital protocol for the following:
a. Dispose of the SAFIRA Syringe using acceptable standard prac ce for biohazard
b. The SAFIRA Driver and SAFIRA Operator components should be stored according
to hospital prac ce for reuse
End of Driver Life Indicator:
Once the End of Driver Life indicator on the SAFIRA Driver (steady red lights) comes
on, the component should be disposed of in accordance with hospital procedure. Do
not start a procedure if the end of life indicator is already on from the beginning. If
the End of Driver Life indicator lights up during a procedure, immediately disconnect
the syringe and either replace the Driver or complete the procedure manually.
For SAFIRA components, follow standard hospital protocol for disposal.
SAFIRA Syringe: Use acceptable prac ce for biohazard waste.
SAFIRA Driver: Should not be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste. Dispose of
unit in line with local guidelines.
SAFIRA Operator: Should not be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste. Dispose of
unit in line with local guidelines.
MP-0007-3001 v4.0
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