Cleaning and disinfecting
To clean the individual parts of the nebulizer as well as the mask and the mouth-
piece, fill a sink with a sufficient amount of tap water (~ 40 °C) and completely
submerge the individual parts for at least 10 minutes. Remove dirt with a clean
brush. Rinse all individual parts in running water (with at least 3 liters) for one
minute per part.
The nebulizer kit should be replaced every 6 months.
Manual disinfection
Perform disinfection after cleaning. Disinfect the nebulizer, mask or mouthpiece
after the last use of the day. Before starting the procedure, please note the
instructions and warnings for the disinfectant agent of the manufacturer.
To disinfect the nebulizer, the mask and the mouthpiece, first make sure that
all surfaces are accessible for disinfection. Disassemble the nebulizer as de-
scribed above.
A 2 % hydrogen peroxide solution was validated as a suitable disinfectant. Sub-
merge all individual parts in disinfectant solution for 8 minutes. Make sure to
cover all surfaces with disinfectant solution.
Remove residual disinfectant solution by rinsing all individual parts in running
tab water (with at least 3 liters).
Dry all individual parts with a new clean cloth. Let the individual parts air-dry
completely on a clean surface at ambient temperature (15 °C to 25 °C) before
next use.
Store at a dry, clean and dust-free place.