A. Operating instructions
Please reer to the technical drawings
on page 2 or more inormation.
The AD-series are combined units
that will both clean and dehumidi-
y the indoor air. The air puriying
unction is always active as long
as the unit is running. Activate the
dehumidication to remove excess
moisture. When dehumidication is
active the compressor starts and the
icon is lit. When the set humidity level
is reached, the icon is fashing.
The unit has 4 dierent modes;
manual, automatic, quiet, or clothes
dry mode (clothes dry mode is only
available when dehumidiying).
Manual mode
Set an speed manually. Choose
between 4 an speeds in dehumidi-
cation mode and 5 an speeds in air
purication mode. I dehumidication
is activated, set desired humidity
level manually.
Quiet mode
The unit works on the lowest an
speed. The air quality indicator is
shut o.
Clothes dry mode
(dehumidication only).
Use this unction or the quickest
drying o clothes and laundry. The
unit will work on maximum an speed
continuously; humidity level and an
speed cannot be set.
Automatic mode
In air purication mode, the an
speed is set automatically depending
on the air quality o the room. The air
quality is indicated by the light on the
ront o the unit;
• Green: no pollution detected.
Fan works on speed 1.
• Blue: light pollution detected.
Fan works on speed 2.
• Yellow: moderate pollution
detected. Fan works on speed 3.
• Purple: heavy pollution detected.
Fan works on speed 4.
• Red: very heavy pollution detected.
Fan works on speed 5.
I dehumidication is activated the
unit automatically sets an speed ac-
cording to ambient relative humidity:
• 60% RH or below: dehumidication
stops, the an runs on speed 1
• 60-65% RH: an runs on speed 2
• 66-70% RH: an runs on speed 3
• 71% RH or above: an runs on
speed 4
Set desired humidity level
When the set humidity level is
reached the unit stops automatically.
The set humidity level is shown or
a ew seconds in the display. CO
means the unit will run continuously,
regardless o ambient humidity.
Set timer for shut off
Set time or automatic shut-o
between 1 and 12 hours. Press the
timer button repeatedly until the timer
display is blank to deactivate. Ater
the set time has passed the unit is
shut o. To restart it, you need to
manually press the Power button.
Select an speed
There are 4 an speeds or dehumidi-
cation and 5 an speeds or air pu-
rication. A higher an speed means
quicker air cleaning and dehumidi-
cation. During dehumidication, when
the set humidity level is reached,
both the compressor and the an
motor stop or 60 minutes.
Ater 60 minutes, the an will start
and run or 3 minutes to sense the
surrounding moisture level. I the
humidity level has not increased, the
machine will continue to stand still or
60 minutes and then start the an or
3 minutes.
I it is higher than the set limit, both
the compressor and motor will start
Child lock
Press and hold the child lock button
or 3 seconds to activate or deacti-
vate the child lock. When activated,
all buttons are locked.
Show room temperature
Press and hold the mode button to
display room temperature. When
released, the display will return to
showing ambient humidity level.
B. Security functions
Automatic shut o unction
As a security unction, the unit au-
tomatically shuts o i no button has
been touched or 12 hours. Press
any button to reset the 12-hour
To deactivate this unction, press and
hold the timer button and child lock
button simultaneously or 5 seconds.
The water ull indicator fashes and
a buzzer is heard when the unction
is deactivated. Repeat this action to
reactivate the unction.
Compressor protection
(dehumidication only)
When shut o, the compressor has a
5-minute delay unction beore star-
ting again to protect the compressor.
Shut off at low or high temperature
(dehumidication only)
When the temperature is below 3°C
or above 40°C the unit will automati-
cally stop dehumidiying and only the
an will run. The unit will restart dehu-
midication when the temperature is
within the range o 5°C to 38°C.
Low humidity unction
(dehumidication only)
When the ambient humidity level is
30% or lower, the display shows LO
and the compressor shuts o. It will
resume when the ambient humidity
is 32% or above. When the ambient
humidity is above 91% the display
shows HI (the unit will run as normal).
Water overfow protection
(dehumidication only)
When the water bucket is ull, the unit
stops, the water ull icon fashes, and
a buzzer is heard. Empty the water
bucket to restart the unit (see the
section about the water bucket)
Overheat protection
(dehumidication only)
When the unit is dehumidiying at
high room temperature and ambient
humidity level, the an speed may
automatically be increased to pre-
vent the unit rom over-heating. The
an speed will be restored to the set
value when the ambient humidity
level decreases.