6. Attach the short connection tube (40 cm) on one
end with the bacteria filter and the other end with
the narrow connector (VACUUM) of the jar lid.
7. Attach the suction tube on one end with the angled
connector (REF 28535) and the other end of the
tube with the Conform Cannula Handpiece.
8. Mount connection tube with bacteria filter onto
the intake nozzle at the top of the Vacuson pump.
Graft the other end of the connection tube with
the narrow connector onto the smaller nozzle of
the secretion jar (VACUUM).
9. Graft the angled connector (REF 28535) of the suc-
tion tube (400 cm) onto the wider nozle (PATIENT)
of the secretion jar. Place the other end of the fill-
ing tube with the Conform Cannula Handpiece on
the handpiece cradle.
10. Connect the device socket with the wall socket,
using the devices power cord.
Before switching on, make sure that the
power supply of the device matches the
country's specific service voltage!
Operating instructions Vacuson 60 LP, REF 31793, V34/17
Vacuson 60 LP