Add-on radio modules WFZ662 and WFZ662C
The add-on radio modules WFZ662 (S-mode) and
WFZ662C (C-mode) are used for retrofi tting heat/cold
meters of the WFx50... series for use in walk-by and AMR
The add-on radio modules take the data from the meter
and transmit it to a readout system. For parameterisation
purposes, the add-on radio modules are equipped with
an optical interface. With the heat/heat/cold meter sets
(WFx6..), the add-on radio module is already pre-mounted
at the factory.
Commissioning the add-on radio modules
Set the network to installation mode before starting
the commissioning of the add-on radio module.
Check the window of the module interface for cleanli-
ness and damage before attaching the add-on radio
Siemens Smart Infrastructure