Installation sequence (interface input. alt 1)
1. Connect the control system harness to the
interface (1) screw terminal as illustrated and
described in the table.
note! The specified input signal levels are re-
quired for the interface to work correctly.
2. Connect the interface to the 12-pin connec-
tor on the HCU, as described in alt 1.
note! Secure the interface in a suitable loca-
tion, using a tie wrap or screw.
3. Carry out an auto-configuration of the sys-
tem. For further information, refer to the EVC
installation manual.
Diode indication, interface input:
throttle control, diode indication (a)/
trolling, diode indication (B):
Constant light -
the input signal is valid between 2.0- 22.0 mA.
Blinking (10 Hz) -
The input signal is invalid <2.0 mA or >22.0 mA.
No light -
Other cases.
power, diode indication (c):
Blinking (10 Hz) -
The unit has power from the HCU.
No light -
Other cases.
gear, diode indication (D):
Constant light -
Input signal for Reverse or Forward is >6 V.
Blinking (10 Hz) -
Input signal for Reverse and Forward is >6 V
(at the same time).
No light -
Other cases.
Installation sequence (interface output. alt 2)
1. Connect the Y connector (2) between the
PCU and the engine, as illustrated.
2. Change the interface baud rate by bridging
screw terminal connections 9 and 10.
3. Connect the interface to the 12-pin connec-
tor on the Y connector, as illustrated.
note! Secure the interface in a suitable loca-
tion, using a tie wrap or screw.
Diode indication, interface output:
throttle control, diode indication (a):
Extinguished -
trolling, diode indication (B):
Constant light -
Output signal 4- 20 mA is valid.
Blinking (10 Hz)
Output signal is invalid.
power, diode indication (c):
No light -
Blinking (10 Hz)
The unit has power from the PCU
Blinking (1 Hz)
The unit has power and CAN bus communica-
tion from the PCU.
gear, diode indication (D ):
Extinguished -