Read all of manual to become familiar with vehicle. Pay attention to all NOTICES, CAUTIONS, WARNINGS and DANGERS.
The manufacturer cannot anticipate all situations, therefore people attempting to maintain or repair the vehicle must
have the skill and experience to recognize and protect themselves from potential situations that could result in severe
personal injury or death and damage to the vehicle. Use extreme caution and, if unsure as to the potential for injury,
refer the repair or maintenance to a qualified mechanic.
Always store gasoline vehicles in a well ventilated area. Ventilation prevents gasoline fumes from accumulating.
Never fuel a vehicle in an area that is subject to flame or spark. Pay particular attention to natural gas or propane
water heaters and furnaces.
Never work around or operate a vehicle in an environment that does not ventilate exhaust gases from the area. Car-
bon monoxide is a dangerous gas that can cause unconsciousness and is potentially lethal.
Owner's Guide
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