(All stations cycle once, A programs only)
To activate each stations assigned watering durations for the A program only,
press the Manual key, followed by the Next key . This will activate stations with
assigned watering durations in the A program . To initiate this semi-automatic
watering, press Enter [See Figure 11] .
Figure 9: Semi-Automatic Watering for Stations Assigned to A and B
Figure 11: Manual Watering in Either the A or B Program Only
(All stations cycle once, B programs only)
To activate each stations assigned watering durations for the B program only,
Figure 10: Semi-Automatic Watering Entered for A and B Programs, All Stations
press the Manual key, followed by the Next key two distinct times . This will
activate only those stations with assigned watering durations in the B program .
To initiate this semi-automatic watering, press Enter .