Level 2
Menu functions
Parameter level
Return to 2. Set working temperature value SETPNT: 120.00 °C
Return to 2. set working temperature value SETPNT: 160.00 °C
4. Return to standard operation
The parameter flash, switch over with
A >3. Point< calibration is performed.
The value >TMPVAL< is only indicated
In addition the measured value >CALVAL X< is saved
during the following step
Integer digits flash, set by pressing
(79) +
Decimal digits flash, set by pressing
(70) +
The first of 3 points is calibrated.
The value is only indicated
Integer digits flash, set by pressing
(119) +
Decimal digits flash, set by pressing
(50) +
The second of 3 points is calibrated.
The value is only indicated.
Integer digits flash, set by pressing
(159) +
Decimal digits flash, set by pressing
(30) +
The 3-point calibration is completed
Set >YES< after calibration.
(Standard operation)