• t4 ~ t5: The welding current drops to the final current value. The falling time can be adjusted;
• t5 ~ t6: The duration of the final current (crater filling current) - depends on how long the torch button is
held down;
• t6: Releasing the torch button will extinguish the arc;
• t6 ~ t7: Post-welding gas flow time;
• t7: End of gas flow and welding process.
TIG welding (2T mode)
This function without adjusting the starting current and crater current is suitable for tack welding, transitional
welding, thin plate welding, etc.
Is - Welding current
Ib - Base current
A - Pressing and holding the torch button
B - Arc ignition
C - Releasing the torch button
D - Arc extinction
Description of each event on the graph:
• 0: Pressing and holding the torch button. The shielding gas starts to flow;
• 0 ~ t1: Gas pre-flows.
• t1 ~ t2: The arc ignites and the output current rises to the set value of the base current (in PULSE mode) or
welding current (if PULSE mode is off).
• t2 ~ t3: The welding process continues when the torch trigger is pressed and held. If the PULSE mode is set,
the current changes its value cyclically (as in the diagram). To use the constant current characteristic the PULSE
mode must be turned off.
• t3: Releasing the torch trigger causes the welding current to drop.
• t3 ~ t4: The down-slope time and the arc is extinguished.
• t4 ~ t5: Gas flow time after the arc is turned off, depending on the setting.
• t5: End of gas flow and welding process.
Disposal of the packaging
Please keep all packaging material (cardboard, plastic strips and polystyrene foam) to ensure that the
unit is protected during shipment, should it become necessary to send it to a service center!