Dear Customer,
Thank you for placing your trust in one of the products of Galletti S.p.a
This product is the result of our work and our commitment to design, research, and production and has been made from the
finest materials, employing state-of-the-art components and production technology.
The CE marking of the product ensures its compliance with the safety requirements of the following directives: the Machinery
Directive, the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive, the Electrical Safety Directive, and the Pressure Equipment Directive.
Fulfillment of the Ecodesign requirements is fully in keeping with the environmental awareness that has always guided our
The company certification of the Quality and Safety management system ensures that product quality is constantly checked
and improved, and that the product is manufactured in full compliance with the highest standards.
By choosing our product, you have opted for Quality, Reliability, Safety, and Sustainability.
At your disposal, once again.
Galletti S.p.a
Galletti S.p.A., whose head office is located at via Romagnoli 12/a, 40010 Bentivoglio (BO) - Italy, hereby declares, under its own responsibility, that
the ESTRO FL, ESTRO FC,ESTRO FP , ESTRO FU, ESTRO FF, ESTRO FA, ESTRO FB and ESTRO FBC cassette fan coil units are manufactured in accord-
ance with the following directives: 2006/42/CE; 2014/30/UE; 2014/35/UE; ERP 2009/125/CE; 2011/65/UE.
Compliance has been verified with reference to the following standards:
European standards for low voltage directive (safety):
Ū EN60335-1:2012+AC:2014+A11:2014+A13:2017+A1:2019+A14:2 019+A2:2019+A15:2021
Ū EN60335-2-40:2003+A11:2004+A12:2005+A1:2006+A13:2012/AC:2013+A13:2012+A2:2009+AC:2006+AC:2010
European standards for electromagnetic compatibility (emc):
Ū EN55014-1:2017+A11:2020
Ū EN55014-2:2015
Ū EN61000-3-2:2014
Ū EN61000-3-3:2013
This declaration covers also all the available accessories and options only if installed in accordance to their own mounting instructions.
In case of product modifications or when non-original options are installed, the compliance must be verified by the final installer, and the same
must be for the CE marking of the final assembly.
Bentivoglio, 20 January 2022
Michele Galletti