1. Place your elbow on a table
so that the cuff is at the same
level as your heart as shown in
Fig. A. Relax your entire body,
especially between your elbow
and fingers.
Note: Your heart is located
slightly below your armpit.
2. If the cuff is not at the same
level as your heart or if
you cannot keep your arm
completely still throughout the
reading, use a soft object such
as a folded towel to support
your wrist as shown in Fig. B.
3. Turn your palm upwards.
4. Sit upright in a chair with feet flat
on the floor, and take 5-6 deep
Avoid leaning back while the
measurement is being taken as
shown in Fig. C.
Fig. A
Fig. B
Fig. C
• Blood pressure changes with every heartbeat and is in
constant fluctuation throughout the day.
• Blood pressure measurement can be affected by the
position of the user, his or her physiologic condition
and other factors.
Before Measurement
To help ensure an accurate reading, follow these
instructions before taking a measurement:
• Wait 1 hour after exercising, bathing, eating, drinking
beverages with alcohol or caffeine, or smoking to
measure blood pressure.
• Sit quietly and rest for 15 minutes.
• Stress raises blood pressure. Avoid taking
measurements during stressful times.
• Take your reading in a comfortable environment
as measurements can be affected by hot or cold
temperatures. Take your blood pressure at normal
body temperature.
During Measurement
• Do not talk or move your arm or hand muscles.
• Do not cross your legs. Sit with feet flat on the floor.
• Dot not touch cuff or monitor during measurement.