1. DO NOT test your smoke detector using an open flame. This may damage the smoke
alarm or ignite combustible materials and start a structural fire.
2. DO NOT stand close to the smoke detector when the alarm is sounding. Exposure at
close range may be harmful to your ears.
3. Monthly test: test this smoke detector once a month.
LED indicators
1. Normal status: Green LED flashes once every 60 seconds.
2. Test status: Red LED flashes once every second.
3. Hush/Silence mode: Red LED flashes once every 8 seconds.
4. Low battery status: Red LED flashes once every 60 seconds and 1 beep every 60 seconds.
5. Fault status: the alarm will beep every 40 seconds.
Silence mode
When the smoke detector is going off you can push the test button to pause it for approx. 10 minutes. During this
silence mode the red LED will flash once every 8 second. The silence feature is only to be used when the source of the
alarm is known and safe. The smoke detector will automatically reset after approximately 10 minutes.
Before using the smoke detectors silence mode, identify the source of the smoke and be
certain a safe condition exists.
How to link the smoke detectors
Step 1: Press the test/silence button on one of the smoke detectors 4 times within 1 second. The smoke detector enters
transmitting mode for 60 sec and the green LED will rapidly flash.
Step 2: Press the test/silence button on the other smoke detector twice within 1 second. The green LED will slowly flash,
indicating receiving mode.