• After beginning to feed the machine with the citrus fruits, the juicer will carry out automatically the
squeezer process. Once the process is finished, you will obtain a filtered and clean juice in the recipient
that you placed in the base for glasses.
• Don't forget to press the switch button to turn the machine off once you have obtained the quantity of
juice that you wanted.
The person in charge of the machine will take care to have it under perfect sanitary conditions, paying special
attention to long stop-periods. You will carry out all the cleanings that are necessary, avoiding any pollution
risk this way.
- Make sure that the switch button is in the OFF position .
- Disconnect the plug of the machine from the electric net.
- Remove the filter and the peel store buckets, depending on each model.
- Open the front cover and make sure that the squeezer mechanism is not activated.
- Remove the peel extractors (or just one depending on the model).
- Unscrew the four screws of the squeezer mechanism.
- Remove the ball and the hollow item at the same time. Carry out the same operation with the other pair,
in the F-50 ,F-50 A, F-50 C, F-50AC, Self-Service,Freezer models.
- Put on some protective gloves to prevent any cut and remove the cutting blade pulling it up; in the
F-Compact model, unscrew the security screw and remove it to yourself.
* Once all the pieces of the squeezer mechanism that are in contact with the juice are disassembled, you
can proceed to clean it.
The cleaning can be carried out by hand or in the dishwasher. In both cases and for hygiene questions it is
obligatory to use a neuter soap. Do not use ever abrasive, solvent products, metal cleaners, glasses cleaners
or detergents that are not diluted.
Before placing back the pieces of the squeezer mechanism clean the front part of the machine and the cover
to eliminate some residue. Use a humid sponge in neuter soap.
Once the previous operations have been completed you can proceed to assemble the pieces again.
- First of all, check that the electric wire of the machine is disconnected from the electric net and the
switch button is in the off position.
- Place the cutting blade in the central groove, or in the right side of the machine in the case of the
F-Compact; make sure that the piece is fixed to the end. This operation should always be carried out
with protective gloves for security reasons.