1. Turn off the fuel cock.
2. Remove the top cowl.
3. Place an approved rag under the drain
4. Loosen the carburetor drain screw.
1. Carburetor drain screw
5. Leave the outboard motor in this posi-
tion until all fuel has been drained.
6. When thoroughly drained, retighten the
drain screw securely.
7. Check the drained fuel for the pres-
ence of water or other contaminants. If
either is present, reassemble the out-
board motor, refill the carburetor with
fuel, and then drain the fuel again.
Repeat this procedure until no water or
other contaminants are present in the
drained fuel.
4. Pre-season check
The following steps must be taken when
first using the engine after winter storage.
1. Check that the shift and throttle func-
tion properly. (Be sure to turn the pro-
peller shaft when checking the shift
function or else the shift linkage may
be damaged.)
2. Change the engine oil (See page 45).
3. Before starting the engine, disconnect
stop switch lock and crank approxi-
mately 10 times in order to prime the
oil pump.
4. Fill fuel tank completely.
5. Start the engine and warm up the
engine for 3 minutes in the "NEUTRAL"
6. Run the engine for 5 minutes at the
slowest speed.
7. Run the engine for 10 minutes at half
throttle. The oil used for storage inside
the engine will be circulated out to
assure optimum performance.
5. Submerged outboard motor
Do not attempt to start submerged out-
board motor immediately after it is recov-
e r e d , o r e n g i n e c o u l d b e s e v e r e l y
After taking your outboard motor out of the
water, immediately take it to your dealer.
The following are the emergency measures