Identification of the machine
The number plate (fig. 1), which is attached at the rear of the machine, shows the
following information:
model code;
machine model;
power supply voltage;
total rated power;
serial number (registration number);
year of manufacture;
dry weight;
maximum full load weight;
steepest slope that can be overcome;
bar code with serial number;
Manufacturer's identification.
Documentation annexed to the machine
User's Manual;
warranty certificate;
adhesive slips for spare part orders;
test sheet;
CE Certificate of conformity.
General description
The machine is a sweeping scrubber, which can be used in civil and industrial
environments for sweeping, washing and drying flat, horizontal, smooth or moderately
rough floors, with even surfaces and free from obstacles.
The scrubber distributes on the floor an adequately dosed solution of water and
detergent, and brushes it to remove dirt. Choosing with care the right cleaning detergent
and brushes (or abrasive discs or roller) in the wide range of accessories available, the
machine can adapt itself to all kinds of combinations of floors and dirt.
A liquid suction system, which is embedded in the machine, allows a perfect drying of the
just-washed floor: actually thanks to a suction unit which sucks up the air from the
recovery tank thus creating a vacuum, the squeegee scrapes the dirty water from the
floor, collects it and sends it to the recovery tank.
The storage battery feeding and the high capacity of usable batteries allow the maximum
freedom of movement and endurance at any work conditions.
In addition, thanks to the electronic control drive motor provided with forward and reverse
gear, the floor can easily be cleaned in any direction.
The main components of the machine are the following (fig. 2):
• the detergent solution tank (fig. 2, ref. 3): used to contain and carry the mixture of clean
water and detergent;
• the recovery tank (fig. 2, ref. 2): used to collect dirty water sucked up from the floor
during washing;
• control panel (fig. 2, ref. 1);
• head unit (fig. 2, ref. 5): the main element is represented by the brushes/rollers, which
distribute the detergent solution on the floor, removing dirt;
• drive unit (fig. 2, ref. 7): the main element consists of the electronically controlled
gearmotor which is operated via a lever below the machine handgrip and enables the
machine to move forward and back;