1) The consumer is protected by rights established by national law, which are not affected by this guarantee.
2) Lavazza guarantees the appliance for a period of two years from the date of delivery. The date on the receipt
of purchase or transportation/delivery note or any other document that attests the date of delivery or sale
of the product provides proof of such. The consumer must present a copy of one of these documents in
order to avail of the guarantee.
3) Should the product be defective prior to the delivery date, LAVAZZA guarantees its repair or replacement
at no cost to the consumer.
4) The guarantee does not cover any part that should become defective through negligence or improper use,
the failure to follow the instructions for using the appliance, improper installation, repairs carried out by
unauthorised persons, normal wear and tear, or any circumstances that cannot be attributed to appliance
manufacturing defects.
5) To carry out repairs on the appliance the consumer can contact Lavazza customer services, who will provide
all necessary information.
What to do should you require assistance:
If you have any questions or require technical assistance, contact:
Client Service
Lavazza A Modo Mio
2nd Floor - 36 Windsor Street
Uxbridge - Middx
0800 5999200
+44 (0)1895209778
A dedicated team will be available to help answer your questions and information requests regarding the
provision of Technical Assistance.
• K eep your receipt of purchase or courier delivery note (if the product was delivered to your home address) or any
other document providing proof of the date of purchase/delivery of the product.
• Keep the product packaging as it may be useful when transporting it at a later date.
Contact Lavazza A Modo Mio Customer Services:
Describe the defect or your doubt.
• P rovide all necessary data: date the product was purchased or delivered and product serial number (see plate located
underneath product).
In the event of a verified technical defect, Lavazza A Modo Mio Customer Assistance will provide
you with all necessary details using Lavazza's Technical Assistance Service.
Repackage the clean and empty cappuccinatore in its original packaging or in alternative packaging to en-
sure it is not damaged during transportation. Add a copy of the purchase receipt, delivery note or any other
document providing proof of the date of purchase/delivery of the product.
All transportation costs will be charged to Lavazza.
Client Service
Lavazza A Modo Mio
41 Killarney Ave,
Killarney Gardens,
7441 Cape Town
+27 21 5562515
+27 21 5562520
Lavazza A MODO MIO
customer line:
1300 675 613