6. Removethe blade by removing the internalhex
screws,lockwashers,and hexnuts which secureit to
the impeller.Retainthe hardware.See Figure5-3.
NOTE: Usea 3/16"hex key (Allen)wrenchon the outside
of the blade and a 1/2" box(or socket)wrenchon the
insideof the impeller.HoldtheAllen wrenchstationary
and rotatethe box(or socket)wrenchto loosenthe nut.
7. Installa replacement b lade (PartNo. 781-0490)with
the hardwareremovedearlieror sharpen.
IMPORTANT: W hensharpeningthe blade,protecthands
by usinggloves.Followthe originalangle of grind and
make sureto removean equalamountfrom eachblade.
Figure 5-3
8. To replacethe otherblade,rotatethe impellerto
exposethe secondblade and repeatthe stepsabove.
NOTE: Makecertainbladesare reassembledwith the
sharpedge facing upward.Torquehardwareto 250- 300
in. Ibs.
WARNING:The impeller's chipper
blades and shredderblade are sharp.
Wear leather work gloves to protect your
Or Replacing
The Shred-
der Blade
1. Stop theengineand makecertainthat all moving
parts havecome to a completestop.
2. Disconnectthe sparkplug wireand groundagainstthe
3. Lowerthe hopperassemblyand block up the housing.
4. Removethe six hex lock nuts and flat washers
from the weldstudson theflail housing.Retainthe
5. Carefullyseparatethe hopperassemblyfromthe
impellerassemblyand removethe support plate.
NOTE:When reassembling the supportplate,make
certain theembossedtab facesinwardtowardsthe
6. Removethe two wing knobsand cuppedwashersthat
securethe chute deflectorand raisethe chute.
7. Inserta 1/2"or 3/4" diameterpipethroughthe flail
screen intothe impellerto keepit fromturningor
removethe flail screenand inserta pieceof wood into
the chuteopening.
8. a. Removethe two internalhex screws,lock washers,
and hexlock nuts which securethe shredderblade
to the impeller.
b. Removethe hexbolt, lock washer,and flat washer
to completelyfree shredderblade.See Figure5-4.
Figure 5-4
NOTE:Use a 3/16" hexkey (Allen)wrenchon the
outsideof the shredderbladeand a 1/2" box(or socket)
wrenchon the insideof the shredderblade.Holdthe
Allenwrench stationaryand rotatethe box (or socket)
wrenchto loosenthenut. Usecautionwhen removing
the bladeto avoidcontactingthe weldstudson housing.
IMPORTANT:Whensharpeningthe blade,follow
the originalangleof grind as a guide.It is extremely
importantthat eachcuttingedge receivesan equal
amountof grindingto preventan unbalancedblade.
An unbalancedbladewill causeexcessivevibration
whenrotatingat high speedsand maycause damage
to the unit. Theblade can be testedby balancingit on a
screwdriver or nail. Removemetalfrom the heavyside
until it is balancedevenly.
Your Chipper
Thefollowingstepsshouldbe takento prepareyour
chippershredderfor storage.
1. Cleantheequipmentthoroughly.
2. Wipeequipmentwith an oiled ragto preventrust.
3. Referto engine manualforcorrectengine storage
4. Storeunitin a clean,dry area. Donot store nextto
corrosivematerialssuchas fertilizer.
Your Chipper
The impelleCs
chipper blades and
shredder blade are
sharp: Wear leather
work gloves to
blades are reassem:
bled with the sharp
edge facing upwar&
250,300 in. Ibs.
When reasSemblingthe
shredder blade,tighten
center bolt tObetween
550 and 700 ini,lb&
andthe twoOutboltsto
between 250 and 350