5. The hub will communicate with the battery pack to evaluate the condition of the
battery pack. When the battery pack meets the charging conditions, the hub will
begin charging the battery pack and the hub status indicator and the battery-bay
status indicator (above the inserted battery pack) will flash green.
6. Insert more battery packs.
7. When connecting more docks to the hub, the hub will supply power to the docks in
the order of proximity – the dock nearest to the hub is powered first. The flashing
green battery-bay status helps identify which battery is currently charging.
The Charging Sequence of the Battery Packs in the Same Dock
If two battery packs are connected to the dock at the same time, the battery pack
with the lower voltage level is charged first, once the battery pack with the lower
voltage level has the same voltage level as the other, the two battery packs are
charged at the same time.
If three battery packs are connected to the dock at the same time, the battery
pack with the lowest voltage level is charged first, once the battery pack with the
lowest voltage level has the same voltage level as the battery pack with medium
voltage level, these two battery packs are charged at the same time. Once these
two battery packs have the same voltage level as the battery pack with the
highest voltage level, all three battery packs are charged at the same time. Refer
to Fig. 3.
Voltage Level of the Battery Pack
When the battery packs are fully charged, the hub status indicator and the
battery-bay status indicators will glow solid green. The "fuel gauges" on the
battery packs will go out. It is recommended to disconnect the hub from the
power supply, if it is not going to be used for a long period of time.