tuned and check out www.lomography.com/lca, we're working like crazy on a set of
tasty optical treats to slide into these grooves.
+ reWiNDiNG tHe fiLM
It's time to rewind when the roll of film is full and you can't wind on anymore. The
Exposure Counter
should read "24" or "36," give or take a few frames. You have to
press the Rewind Button
on the bottom of the LC-A+ with your index finger just like
in Dad's day and then merrily turn the Rewind Lever
clockwise until the pressure
slackens. Keep your finger on the rewind button while turning the lever. It's a whole lot
of fun! Don't stop until you feel the tension completely drop off. If you want to leave a bit
of leader (for reloading the film or exchanging it for collaborative double exposures with
another Lomographer), then rewind REALLY slowly and stop at the very instant that you
feel the tension drop off. There should still be a good bit of leader left sticking out.
+ CAre, WArrANtY & CoNtACt
A little tender loving care will go a long way towards keeping the LC-A+ at your side for
many years to come. Never drop the camera or subject it to any undue physical stress. Try
to keep it out of extremely hot or cold temperatures. Keep any harsh chemicals, solvents,
fingers and sharp things away from the lens. If the lens gets dirty or greasy, then a little lens
cleaning solution and a soft static-free cloth will do the trick.
Beware of extended use in sandy or dusty environments – as this stuff can get inside your
camera and mess with mechanical functions. If you do not use it for an extended period