Device and sleeves are maintenance-free. No maintenance work of any kind
should be carried out either by the patient themselves or by any other operator.
Care and cleaning must be performed with a dry cloth (please do not perform
any chemical dry-cleaning). Commercially available cleaning products may be
Disinfection of the treatment sleeves must be carried out before use or before
changing patients. To do so, use the corresponding commercially available disin-
fectant. To perform this, use wipe-down disinfectants that are recognised by the
Robert Koch Institute (see the "List of disinfectants and disinfection procedures
tested and approved by the Robert Koch Institute"/ „Liste der vom Robert Koch-
Institut geprüften und anerkannten Desinfektionsmittel und -verfahren"). You
can find further information and instructions on our "Instructions for Cleaning
and Disinfection" information sheet.
The manufacturer guarantees a two-year warranty for the device and accessori-
es, as long as the cause is defects in material and/or manufacturing defects. The
manufacturer is only responsible for the effects on safety, reliability and perfor-
mance of the device if: Expansions, new settings, changes or repairs by persons
authorised by the manufacturer were carried out and the area affected by the
electrical installation in which the application takes place corresponds to the VDE
requirements and the device is used in compliance with the Operating Manual. If
the device malfunctions, please contact the supplier company immediately.
The supplier can obtain circuit diagrams, replacement parts lists, descriptions,
settings instructions and other documents that can be of use to the correspondi-
ngly qualified technical personnel of the user as required. When used appropria-
tely, the typical, median lifespan of the device and accessories is 10 years.