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Craftsman 580.752130 Manual Del Operador página 20

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Air Ceoming System
Overtime debris may accumulate in cylinder cooling fins and
cannot be observed without partiai engine disassembly. For
this reason, we recommend you have a quaiified Sears
service dealer clean the cooiing system per recommended
intervals (see MaintenanceScMdule). Equaiiy important is to
keeptop of engine free from debris. See C/'eanDebris.
Keepareas within heavy iine clear of debris.
Clean Combustion Chamber
We recommendyou havea qualified Searsservice deaier
remove combustion depositsfrom the cyiinder, cyiinder head,
top of piston and around vatves per recommendedintervals
(see Maintenance Schedu/e).
Water should not remain in the unit for long periods of time.
Sediments or minerals can deposit on pump parts and
"freeze" pump action. Follow these procedures after every
1= Ftush detergent system by turning its detergent shut-off
valve to "Off" position and run pressure washer with
black detergent spray tip= Flush for one to two minutes.
Shut off engine, turn off water suppiy, point gun in a
safe direction and squeezetrigger to relieve trapped
pressure, engage trigger lock on spray gun and let
engine cool.
The high pressure stream of water that this
equipment produces can cut through skin and its
nderlying tissues, ieading to serious injury and
}ossibte amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when
engine is stopped and water is disconnected,
which can cause injury.
• Keephigh pressurehoseconnected to purnpand spraygun
whilesystemis pressurized.
o ALWAYS pointspraygemin safedirectionand squeeze spray
gLmtrigger,to release high pressure,everytime you stop
engine.Engage trigger lockwhennot in use.
3= Disconnect hose from spray gun and high pressure
outtet on pump. Drain water from hose, gun, and nozzte
extension. Use a rag to wipe off the hose.
4= Empty pump of aii pumped iiquids by puffing recoii
handte about 6 times. This should remove most liquid in
5= Coii high pressure hose and properly hang it on hook
provided on handle.
Store unit in a clean, dry area.
If storing for more than 30 days see Long Term Storage
on next page.
Fuei and its vapors are extremely flammable and
ire or explosion can cause severe burns or
o Storeawayfrom furnaces stoves water heaters, c lothes
dryers or otherappliances that havepilot light or otherignition
sourcebecause theycanignitefue]vapors.

