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Craftsman 580.752130 Manual Del Operador página 19

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3. Clean a rea around o iIfill,remove oilfill cap/dipstick.
Wipe dipstick c lean.
4. Tip yourpressure washer todrain oiifromoiifiiiintoa
suitabie container making s ure youtipyourunit a way
from spark plug. W hen crankcase
isempty, return
pressure washer toupright position.
5. Slowly p our r ecommended
oil(about 18oz.)into oilfill
opening. Pause topermit oiltosettle. Fill t o"Full"mark
6. Wipe dipstick c lean e ach time oillevel ischecked. DO
NOT overfill.
7. Replace and tigllten dipstick.
8. Wipe upanyremaining oii.
9. Reconnect
spark plug wiretospark plug.
Service Air gleaner
Your engine wiil not run properly and may be damagedif you
run it with a dirty air cleaner.
Service tile air cleaner once every 25 hours of operation or
once eachyear, whichever comes first. Service more often if
operating under dirty or dusty conditions. Replacementsare
available at your iocai Sears service center.
To service the air cleaner, follow these steps:
Loosen screw (A) and tilt cover (B) down.
Carefuiiy remove cartridge (C) assembiy.
To ciean cartridge, gentiy tap pleated paper side on a flat
Reinstaii ciean or new cartridge assembly inside cover.
Insert cover's tabs ([}) into slots in bottom of base (E).
Tilt cover up and tighten screw secureiy to base.
NOTE:You can purchase new air filter elements by calling
Service Spark Plug
Service the spark plug every 100 hours of operation or
yearly, whichever occurs first.
Cleanarea around spark piug.
Removeand inspect spark ptug.
Repiacespark piug if eiectrodes are pitted, burned or
porcelain is cracked. Use the recommended replacement
plug. See Specifications.
Checkelectrode gap with wire feeier gauge and set spark
plug gap to 0.030 inch (0.76 mm) if necessary.
-_ __ ._.
Instaii spark piug and tighten firmly.
NOTE:You can purchase a new spark plug by calling
Spark Attester Service
Your engine is not factory=equippedwith a spark arrester=In
some areas, it is iiiegai to operatean engine without a spark
arrester. Check iocai iaws and regulations. A spark arrester is
avaiiabie from your nearest Sears service center, if you need
to order a spark arrester, please calI 1-800-4-fVlY-NOME
The spark arrester must be serviced every 50 hours to keep it
functioning as designed.
If the engine has been running, the muffler wiii be very hot.
Atlow the muffler to cool before servicing the spark arrester.
Contact with muffler area can result in serious
Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,
structures or damage fuel tank causing a fire.
• DONOT touch hot partsand AVOID hot exhaustgases.
° Allowequipment t o cool beforetouching.
• Keepat least5 feet (152cm) of clearance on all sidesof
pressure washerincludingoverhead.
• Codeof Federal R egulation (CFR) T itle 36 Parks,Forests,and
PublicPropertyrequireequiprnent p oweredby an internal
combustionengine to havea sparkarrester rnaintained in
effectiveworkingorder,complyingto USDA Forestservice
standard 5100-1Cor laterrevision.Inthe Stateof California a
sparkarresteris requiredundersection4442 of the California
Publicresources code.Otherstatesmay havesimilarlaws.
Removespark arrester screen for cleaning and inspection.
Replace if screen is damaged.

