14. Counter Versions (Type RVG)
The meter can be equipped with various index versions:
Index head S1
This is the standard version with an 8-digit mechanical
roller index.
Provides universal read-off.
Can be rotated up to 355° about its axis.
Suitable for outdoor installation.
Designed for LF pulse generators which can be plugged
on from the outside and which can be exchanged on
Index head S1V
This has the same features as index head S1.
The mechanical roller index can be read off from the top.
Index head S1D
This has the same features as index head S1V.
It has two 8-digit mechanical roller indexs (depending
on the flow direction, one index will be covered).
Meters with S1Ds can be used in all installation positions.
Index head MI-2
provides universal read-off,
can be rotated up to 355˚ about its axis,
Aluminium cover,
can be optionally fitted with a mechanical index drive
pointing upwards or backwards in accordance with EN
designed for LF pulse generators which can be plugged
on from the outside and which can be exchanged on
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