Tips for Better Underwater Photography
| actual size
apparent size
actual distance
Here are some tips that can help you take better pictures
under water
e The refractive index of water is 1.33 times as large as air,
so that subjects under water appear about 25% closer
than they actually are. Therefore, 1-3m will actually
appear to be 0.75-2.25m when you use the regular mode
(0.45-1m will appear to be 0.34-0.75m when you use the
E X underwater macro mode).
* Water absorbs red light, causing color pictures to appear
bluish. You can minimize this by getting close to the
subject and using the flash
elf you use the flash when you are far from the subject and
in unclear water, the flash reflects off the plankton or
other particles which may appear in the picture. In these
situations, use the Ey underwater macro mode : 1; or the
& Flash OFF mode :2 to take the picture.