2. Angle
Wide/Medium/Narrow (Default setting is Wide)
The angle refers to how much of the scene can be captured through the camera
lens. Wide angle captures the largest amount of the scene, while Narrow angle
captures the least.
Medium and Narrow are not optional when Image Stabilization and Zoom are on.
3. ISO
Auto/100/200/400/800/1600/3200 (Default setting is Auto)
ISO determines the camera' s sensitivity to light, and creates a trade-off between
brightness and resulting image noise. Image noise refers to the degree of graininess
in the image.
4. Time Lapse Interval
Unlimited/3S/5S/10S/30S/1 Min (Default setting is Unlimited)
Time Lapse Photo captures a series of photos at specified intervals. Use this mode
to capture photos of any activity, then choose the best ones later.
Time Lapse Photo mode is not available when Long Exposure and Delay
Timer are turned on.
5. Time Lapse Duration
Unlimited/5 Min/10 Min/15 Min/20 Min/30 Min/60 Min (Default setting is Unlimited)
If you want to set Time Lapse Duration, please turn on Time Lapse Interval first.
6. Night Lapse
On/Off (Default setting is Off)
Night Lapse is made to capture time lapse videos in dark and low-light environments.
It automatically adjusts the shutter speed to let in more light and picks the interval
that will give you the best results.
7. Burst Photo
Off, 3 shots, 7 shots, 15 shots , 30 shots (Default setting is Off)
Burst Photo captures up to 30 photos in 8 seconds, so it is perfect for capturing fast
moving activities.
Burst Photo will be disabled when Long Exposure is turned on.