Using a reserved device (network connection)
Measuring weight
132 • seca 555/554/552; seca 550/549; seca 257/256
You can reserve the device (from firmware version 1.3) for your patient in the
software (depending on version). The name of the patient is
seca analytics 125
displayed on the reserved device:
1. Ask the patient to step onto the weighing platform.
ð The main screen is displayed.
2. Complete the measurement as described in the relevant sections of these
instructions for use.
Device mode
Injury from falling
Persons with limited mobility may fall when stepping onto the weighing
► Support people with limited mobility when they step onto the scale.
1. Make sure that there is no load on the weighing platform.
2. Ask the patient to step onto the weighing platform.
3. Ask the patient to keep still.
4. Read off the measured result.
Function available