Engine brand
Engine model
Nominal engine output, hp / kW
Max. engine speed, rpm
Engine idle speed, rpm
Maximum speed forward, mph / km/h
Maximum speed reverse, mph / km/h
Fuel, minimum octane grade, lead-free, max 10% Etha-
nol and max 15% MTBE, AKI / RON
Fuel tank volume, gallons / l
Oil type above 32°F / 0°C (API: SJ-SN):
Oil type below 32°F / 0°C (API: SJ-SN):
Oil volume with oil filter, oz. / l
Oil volume without oil filter, oz. / l
Lubrication system
Cooling system
Air filter
Alternator, V. amp. @ 3600 rpm
Start motor
Weight, with empty tanks, lb / kg
Cutting deck
Number of blades
Blade length, in. / cm
Cutting Width, in. / cm
Cutting Height, in. / cm
Tire pressure, rear – front, PSI / kPa / bar
The power rating as declared by the engine manufacturer is the average gross power output at the specified
RPM of a typical production engine for the engine model measured using SAE Standards for engine gross
power. Refer to the engine manufacturer engine specifications.
Technical data
TS 154X
24 / 17.9
3300 ± 100
1750 ± 200
5.2 / 8.4
2.2 / 3.5
87 / 91
3.0 / 11.36
SAE 10W-30
SAE 5W-20
68 / 2.1
61 / 1.8
Air cooled
12 V 15 amp @ 3600 rpm
Electric start 12 V
516 / 234
18.25 / 46.4
54 / 137
1.5-3.8 / 3.8-9.7
15 / 103 / 1
2235 - 002 - 22.09.2023