Error Co-
Error Contents
TL 28
CAN timeout error - central
TL 29
CAN timeout error - right
TL 31
Seat switch verification error
TL 32
Software authentication error Restart the power supply.
TL 42
Software Version verification
TL 60
Controller undertemperature
TL 61
Power supply - 5V error
TL 62
Power supply - 12V error
TL 63
Controller temperature sen-
sor error
TL 64
Controller flash error
TL 65
Motor encoder data error
TL 66
Controller internal communi-
cation error
TL 67
Motor overtemperature alarm The motor temperature is too high. Wait for the motor to cool down, and
TL 68
Controller overtemperature
Communication failure with the central blade controller. Restart the
power supply.
Communication failure with the right blade controller. Restart the power
Check that the connector under the seat is connected properly, and
then restart the power supply.
Restart the power supply.
Restart the power supply.
Restart the power supply.
Restart the power supply.
Restart the power supply.
Restart the power supply.
Restart the power supply.
Restart the power supply.
then restart the power supply.
The controller temperature is too high. Wait for the controller to cool
down, and then restart the power supply