GUI – Imagen
In a natural picture, high sharpness can be perceived as noise, as all details in the picture will be amplified.
Available range: -2 to 8.
Default value: 0
Imagen 7–7 Effect of sharpness adjust
How to adjust
In the main menu, select Image → Sharpness.
Imagen 7–8 Image menu – Sharpness
Use the ◄ or ► key to change the sharpness until the desired value is reached.
Imagen 7–9 Example of the image sliders, Sharpness is the bottommost slider
If necessary, use the ▲ or ▼ key to select the other image adjustment options.
7.3 Adjusting the gamma correction
About gamma correction
Gamma correction is an image quality enhancement function that offers a richer image by brightening the
already darker portions of the image without altering the brightness of the brighter portions (contrast feeling
How to adjust
In the main menu, select Image → Gamma.
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