All of the models complying with the energy label requirements, are
equipped with new electronics including a timer device for suc tion
speeds control, when the air capacity ex ceeds 650m³/h.
Internal motor models, with maximum air capacity higher than
650m³/h, are equip ped with a timer device that automatically
switches the suction speed from 4th to 3rd speed, after 5 minutes
External motor models are equipped with re mote motors that , as
for internal motor ver sions, include a timer device that switches
down the suction speed when it exceeds 650 mᵌ/h. (See External
Motors Instructions).
Remote motors, whose air capacity exce eds 650m³/h at both 4th
and 3rd speed, will have the following by default timer control
functions: The suction speed is automatical ly switched from 4th to
2nd speed, after 6 minutes operation.
If the appliance is working at 3rd speed, it is automatically switched
to 2nd speed, after 7 minutes operation. Operation speeds can also
be changed during operation.
The energy consumption of the appliance in stand - by mode is
lower than 0.5W.
E L A N T O - N A T O I N I T A L I A