is consumed. The device is instantly operational when power button is pressed.
4. If the QuickSee Free medical device display freezes and is unresponsive to touch, you will need to per-
form a hard system reset by holding the power button for 7 seconds until the screen goes black and then
releasing the button.
5. Low battery: When the battery level is very low, a warning message will appear. If charging is not initiated
soon after, the device will automatically shut down.
User operation
Home screen
When the QuickSee Free medical device is powered on, the
Main Menu or "Home Screen" will appear. If the device is
connected to a Bluetooth network, the Bluetooth network icon
will be visible in the top right corner. Bluetooth is disabled by
default when the device powers on and can be turned on in the
Basic Settings menu.
To begin a measurement, press OD or OS icon to start
measuring the right or left eye, respectively.
The drop-down or pull-up or menus (see page 8) can be
accessed by sliding your finger from the top or bottom of
the Home Screen, respectively.
Measuring a patient
1. On Home Screen, select the OD or OS icon to start measuring the right or left eye, respectively.
2. Bring the device to the eye you want to measure while looking at the live video of the patient's eye.
Ensure that the two contact points of the device are touching the patient's face.
Both eyes open
3. Instruct the patient to hold the occluder over their other eye while keeping it open.
Patient and operator positions during measurement:
The patient looks through the device at a distant target.
The operator stands at patient's side and sees the patient's eye on the display.
4. Align the red spot with the center of the pupil.
The background of the display and the play icon
will both turn green when the spot is properly
aligned to the pupil.
5. Ensure that you are not in the patient's line of
sight, which will enable the patient to see the dis-
tant target and reduce patient's accommodation.
Note that the display can be rotated to give you a
view of the display.
6. When the red spot is aligned with the patient's
pupil (the background turns green), press the
play icon on the screen or the start button in
the handle to start a measurement. During the
measurement, ask the patient to:
Don't tilt
Slide up or down
Don't tilt
Slide up or down
Patient number
Bluetooth enabled
Battery status
Drop-down menu
Measure left eye
Measure right eye
Pull-up menu
Don't til
Slide up