• Hand crimping may not produce an adequate bond. Any
play in the fitting may cause an excessive temperature rise
which may shorten the lifespan of the device. Use a hydraulic
crimping tool.
• Crimp the threaded lug or the ferrule with an appropriate
die (NFC 20-130 or EN 61238-1 or another). A double
hexagonal crimping is recommended. The crimping die must
match the outer diameter of the lug.
For threaded lugs with a line, do not crimp beyond this line.
• Apply a tightening torque of 40 Nm.
• The tightening torque of the lugs (not supplied) must not be
transmitted to the insulating part of the device. Maintain the
body of the contact with a suitable key while tightening.
IS 22 [SPeX] Rev B.1 - 2023-12