Do not run the sprayer dry for more than 30 seconds. Doing so could
damage the pump packing seals.
Protect the internal drive parts of the sprayer from water. Openings in
the cover allow for air cooling of both the mechanical parts and
electronics. If water enters these openings, the sprayer may
malfunction or be permanently damaged.
Prevent corrosion or freezing of the pump to avoid damage. Fluids that
freeze within the sprayer or High-Pressure hose will cause permanent
damage. Always store the sprayer with a m ulti-purpose light machine oil
such as sewing machine oil or ISO 22 oil added to the sprayer pump as
described in the section titled Storing the Sprayer.
Sprutspetsar är numrerade så att:
•Den första siffran, multiplicerad med två, ger spraybredden i tum (med
sprayspetsen 30 cm bort från ytan som sprayas).
•De sista två siffrorna anger öppningens storlek i tusentals tum (Obs: en större
öppning ökar färgflödet).
•Följande rekommenderade sprutmunstyckesstorlekar för olika typer av
beläggningsmaterial: Lack & bets: 0,007" — 0,013" Emalj: 0,011" — 0,015" Akryl:
0,015" — 0,021"
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