found in these separate operat-
ing instructions.
Meaning of the safety
DANGER! If you do not ob-
serve this safety instruction, an
accident will occur. The result of
which is severe bodily injury or
WARNING! If you do not
observe this safety instruction,
an accident may occur. The res-
ult of which is likely severe bod-
ily injury or death.
CAUTION! If you do not ob-
serve this safety instruction, an
accident will occur. The result of
which is likely minor or moder-
ate bodily injury.
NOTICE! If you do not observe
this safety instruction, an ac-
cident will occur. The result of
which is possible damage to
Pictograms and symbols
Symbols on the device
The device is part of the
X 20 V TEAM series and can
be operated with batteries of the
X 20 V TEAM series. Batter-
ies of the X 20 V TEAM series
may only be charged using
chargers of the X 20 V TEAM
Read the instruction manu-
Waste electrical and elec-
tronic equipment (WEEE)
must not be disposed of
with domestic waste.
280 mm
Cutting circle
Danger of electric shock!
Keep other people
away. You could be
injured by ejected
foreign bodies.