Increase the free space on your hard disk. Delete unneeded files (move them to the Recycle Bin), and then right-click on the Recycle Bin
and select Empty Recycle Bin.
Alternatively, you can add another hard disk to your system.
Were other applications running when you performed the installation?
Exit all applications, and perform the installation again.
Can't start up an application
Are numerous applications running?
It may be that there is not enough memory to start up another application. Close all unneeded applications, and then start up the new appli-
cation. If an error is still displayed, try restarting your computer.
An error is displayed when you start up an application
If multiple applications are started up simultaneously, an error message may appear.
If this occurs, click [OK], and close all unnecessary applications.
Even if an application window has been closed, the application is still running if it remains in the taskbar. Be sure to close any unneces-
sary application that appears in the taskbar.
If you are using Cakewalk Pro Audio, you must be sure that the sampling frequency of Cakewalk Pro Audio is set to 44.1kHz.
On Cakewalk ProAudio 7, 8, and 9, the sampling frequency can be set as follows.
[Tools] - [Audio options] - [Settings] - [Default sampling rate]
An Application hangs up
When using digital music software for digital recording with the UA-3's recording input switch set to DIGITAL, be absolutely sure that a
digital device is connected.
Although in certain applications, Windows limitations may render the operation of the mouse or other such devices inactive until a digital
device is connected, this does not indicate any malfunction.
If no action results from the use of the mouse or other such devices, then reconnect the digital device.
Confirm occurrence of the above with the following applications
(current as of January, 2001).
•Logic Audio 3.0 or 4.0
•Cubase VST 3.7
•Cubase ASIO Multimedia Setup During Testing
Confirm that the events or conditions above do not occur with the following applications.
•Cakewalk Pro Audio 7, 8, and 9
•SoundRecorder (Bundled with Windows98)
A shortcut error appears when starting up Windows
If you uninstall the D-Out Smoother with the Register to STARTUP checked (p. 16), the following error message will appear when you
start up Windows. In this case, click [NO] to close the message.
Use the following procedure to delete this message.
1. Click the Windows [Start] button, and select [Settings] - [Taskbar & Start Menu].
2. Click the [Start Menu Programs] tab, then click [Remove].
3. Select [Programs] - [StartUp] - [SmoothDo], and click [Remove].
For details on installing a hard disk, refer to the owner's manuals for your computer and for
During Recording
During Startup/Recording/Playback